Under the Surface Scuba is an organization that takes an innovative approach to health and wellness, for those with physical and mental injuries.
As part of our SE spotlight series, CSED recently sat down with Natalka MacKay , the Founder and Lead Instructor of Under the Surface Scuba, to learn more about their programming and how they began.
What does Under the Surface Scuba do?
Under the Surface is a non profit organization that dives into health & wellbeing! We are dedicated to boosting mental health, physical fitness and strengthening relationships through scuba diving activities in a pool. Each session may include rehabilitative exercises, obstacle courses and team building games, then relaxation with yoga, meditation or Ai Chi….all done under water! We specialize in our capability for inclusion; Under the Surface can accommodate for various mental and physical abilities. No experience is necessary.
What’s your origin story?
Under the Surface was created in 2018 by my husband and I, a Veteran Military Nurse and Paramedic that know first hand the struggles of dealing with mental and physical injuries. We wanted to share the benefits of scuba diving in a safe environment. Show how slow breathing during scuba promotes a state of calm, a weightless environment alleviates pressure and pain, atmospheric pressure while at depth creates a natural release of feel good endorphins… all while building confidence, achievement and self esteem. ScubapeuticsTM focuses on ability not disability. Underwater, we are all equal.
Who are your main customers and how do they typically find you?
We’ve been offering ScubapeuticsTM for those with mental and physical injuries including PTSD, chronic pain, paraplegia, amputees, anxiety, plus individuals with autism and down’s syndrome. ScubapeuticsTM can benefit anyone as an innovative approach to health and wellness. The best way to find us is through social media and our website, contact through email.
What does your typical day look like?
With a part time job and two active kids, my typical day varies. When I have pool time coming up, I spend some time planning the ScubapeuticsTM Session for those that are participating. I adapt and cater it to the needs of each individual to ensure safety and an enjoyable experience. I also enjoy making connections with other community organizations, learning more about complementary approaches to health and wellness that can add value to Under the Surface and our mission. Professional development is very important to me, so I am always taking classes or attending workshops to expand my knowledge in social entrepreneurship. Lifelong learning is key to my happiness!
How did your participation in CSED’s 2023 Social Enterprise Bootcamp help you?
The Social Enterprise Bootcamp provided a boost of confidence, not only in my personal ability to run Under the Surface but in that I was on the right track to make it a success. I learned a lot and met supportive people who are also doing great things in the community. CSED continues to be a valuable resource as we grow our social enterprise.
What’s your biggest insight or lesson learned since starting Under the Surface?
A social enterprise is a lot of work! I knew that, but I didn’t realize how much passion it takes to keep at it. Persistence and tenacity has to come from a place where you believe so deeply in what you are doing that you can’t give up, no matter how much you may want to some days. I have a deeper appreciation for other entrepreneurs.
What makes you most proud?
The results. The smiles I see when we get out of the water after a ScubapeuticsTM Session proves that this works. When I have participants tell me they feel energized, felt a freedom of movement that they don’t have on land or that they felt no pain for the first time in years while under water. That’s huge! That makes all the time and energy I’ve put into Under the Surface worth it.
What keeps you up at night?
Excitement for the next session! And then that 3am anxiety…. thinking about if I planned the right activities, if the participants will enjoy it, did I pack everything I need, what not to forget, what ifs…..all of the things that I can’t do anything about at 3am!
What advice do you have for someone who is developing their own social enterprise or social purpose business?
Just dive in! I spent so much time second guessing myself and my abilities, imposter syndrome. I had never been an entreprenuer or founder of an organization although all of my experiences lead me to this very moment. It was a perfect next step but I doubted myself. Trust your instincts and go for it! Being afraid of failure is a terrible reason not to try, and chances are if you are passionate enough about your work, others will be too. You just need to find those people.
What’s next for Under the Surface Scuba?
ScubapeuticTM sessions can be date nights, family experiences, bachelor parties and camps for those over 10 years old. I predict collaborations with other healthcare professionals (recreational, occupational and physiotherapists) that would like to offer this to their clients as a complementary approach to health & wellness. I’d like to keep expanding the ScubapeuticsTM program and train others to provide sessions across Canada.