Social enterprise opportunity: Gift Shop

CSED is assisting the City of Ottawa to determine if there is a social enterprising organization capable (i.e. interest, ability and experience) of operating a gift shop in a new planned development.

This is a unique opportunity for an innovative organization to be part of a high profile development. The gift shop has a desirable location on the first floor near the front entrance and provides 915 square feet or 45 square metres of commercial space. The City expects approximately 1.3 million visitors to the facility annually. 

Interested organizations need to either bring with them or commit to acquiring suitable retail experience to manage such a project.

Over the next six months, interested organizations will work to develop a business plan to assess and validate the opportunity. This will lead to formal lease negotiations with the City in the latter half of 2023 on leasing, fit up costs and other commercial aspects in advance of opening in 2026. Participating organizations will need to resource appropriately to support the initial business case work and associated negotiations.

CSED is hosting a Q&A session for qualified organizations on Thursday, January 19th from 4 to 5 pm. If you are interested in more information about the project and would like to attend the Q&A session, please contact Len at