Susan Henry

Position: Director, Community Impact & Financial Inclusion, Alterna Savings

Susan has over 25 years’ experience working with underserved, underrepresented individuals and communities. Her passion and dedication focus on the foundation of “Financial Inclusion for all”. Susan was instrumental in leading the launch of Alterna Savings’ award-winning Community Microfinance Program and the Community Loan Funds Partnership Programs. Since its inception in 2000, almost $10M in loans have been disbursed through these programs, directly improving the economic participation of underserved communities and groups such as BIPOC, new and racialized Canadians, Women, and others who face barriers to financing.

Susan’s leadership in the field of Community Economic Development in Canada has advised policy makers and practitioners in Microfinance and social finance tools. She continues to consult and lend her expertise to organizations starting Community Loans Funds with a focus on small business, social enterprise, and nonprofit development.

Susan is a current advisory council member of the Financial Resilience Institute, an advisory member on the Canadian Women’s Foundation Economic Development Committee and a committee investment member of Boann (Social Finance Fund Wholesaler).