Rebecca Sherbino

Position: Executive Director, Raw Carrot

After 4 years of living in New Guinea and Africa in her early career, Rebecca developed an acute awareness of the issues facing vulnerable and marginalized communities which led to a passion for closing the gap on inequality and poverty.

After her return to Canada, she became increasingly frustrated by the lack of sustainable solutions to poverty for people living with mental health challenges and disabilities in her church congregation in rural Ontario. A late-night coffee with friend and co-founder Colleen in 2014 led to the idea of creating meaningful, supported work for people with barriers to traditional employment and, a few months later, The Raw Carrot Soup Enterprise launched.

After 10 years of lessons learned, The Raw Carrot has now expanded into a “social franchise” with 4 locations (a 5th on the way in 2024) and a headquarters in Southwestern Ontario. More than ever, Rebecca remains convinced that ‘social purpose employment’ can lead to systemic change for people who deserve more than just a handout, but a hand UP in life.

Rebecca has an undergraduate degree in Global Development, Peace and Justice, and an MA in International Development. She lives with her husband and 4 teenagers in Paris, ON.