CSED Announces its 2018-2019 Board Officers

The Centre for Social Enterprise Development (CSED) is pleased to announce its Board Officers for 2018-2019, effective as of its Annual General Meeting held in Ottawa on Thursday, September 20, 2018.

Newly appointed are Aleatha Bedard-Poole, replacing Read Guernsey as Board Chair, and Robyn Troop as Board Treasurer.

Aleatha Bedard-Poole is an Associate Manager, Growth & Transition Capital at BDC and has been dedicated to  working with entrepreneurs over the last ten years of her career. A passionate advocate for entrepreneurship; she actively volunteers with organizations that have a mandate to support positive social impact and seek prosperity beyond profits.  Aleatha has been a Board Director and mentor with CSED since 2016.

Robyn Troop, CPA, CA, is a Senior Consultant within Deloitte’s Strategy and Operations consulting practice in Ottawa. She specializes in providing finance transformation services in the Canadian public sector. During her five years at Deloitte she has spent time with Deloitte’s Sustainability consulting team where she worked across the private, public, and non-profit sectors to design and implement environmentally and socially responsible projects. Robyn also completed a secondment with United Way Toronto and York region in the fall of 2017. has represented Deloitte as a lead judge for the CPA Canada Corporate Reporting Awards, CSR Awards Category.

“I am thrilled to welcome Aleatha and Robyn to these new positions,” said Michael Murr, Executive Director, CSED. “Both embody the spirit of community and bring talent, expertise and energy to the table. We are very fortunate to have them by CSED’s side as we continue to strengthen the social enterprise sector in Ottawa.”

Read Guernsey moves into the Past-Chair position and Mike Bulthuis continues his role as Board Secretary.

“We are grateful to Read for staying on to fill the Past Chair position and thank Mike for continuing on as Board Secretary,’ said Murr. “Read and Mike are incredible assets to the Board and continually bring unique and valuable insights to their work.”

Aleatha and Robyn are joined at the CSED Board table by eight representatives including:

Read Guernsey – Government of Canada
Kent Turner – Investment Advisor, BMO Harris Bank
Priya Thakkar – Communications Advisor, Government of Canada Department of Health
George Brown – Principle of Integral North
Mike Bulthuis – Director of Youth Innovation, Homelessness Hub
LoriAnn Girvan – Chief Operating Officer, Artscape
Becky Rossi – Director of Strategic Operations, PLAN Toronto
David Spring – Former Director-General, Canadian International Development Agency