Whether you’re a change maker looking to start a social enterprise, shift purchasing power towards social impact or provide financial capital, the Centre for Social Enterprise Development (CSED) can help. We are a connector and capacity builder which champions social enterprise as a way to build strong and more caring communities. CSED serves charities, nonprofits, businesses and entrepreneurs as well as those that seek to support the sector through purchasing and funding.
Our vision
A growing and thriving social enterprise ecosystem that is a driver of positive economic, environmental and social impact.
Our mission
To inspire, enable and accelerate the development and growth of the social enterprise ecosystem.
Our priorities

Capacity & Skills
Equip changemakers with critical knowledge, insights and abilities needed to realize their ambitions.

Market Opportunities
Develop resources and services that enable the development and growth of the social value marketplace.

Advocate & Champion
Build public awareness and support for social enterprise as a creator of community wealth.