Prescott and Russell – Ottawa & Eastern Ontario SE Directory Support social enterprises to build community wealth. Tue, 08 Oct 2024 18:00:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Prescott and Russell – Ottawa & Eastern Ontario SE Directory 32 32 Arks Harvest Tue, 03 Sep 2024 20:52:16 +0000 Arks Harvest operates as a community-driven, not-for-profit food-sharing program. Our mission is to build a sustainable initiative that ensures affordable food options are accessible to everyone, fostering collaboration within our diverse community. In partnership with Fine and Dandy Maple and other local businesses, community programs, and farmers, we strive to make affordable produce available to all households, regardless of income level. Our offerings vary weekly based on product quality and pricing from our suppliers, reflecting our commitment to providing diverse options that meet the needs of our inclusive community.

Food & Beverage Prescott-Russell Other, Prescott and Russell Len Fardella 21
Buanderie Cayen Tue, 22 Mar 2022 20:34:03 +0000 Buanderie Cayen offers commercial laundry operations for hospitals, senior homes, restaurants and hotels.

Buanderie Cayen is owned and operated by Groupe Convex, a non-profit organization established in 2004 which incubates and manages social enterprises, namely real businesses that have a social mission. Groupe Convex creates opportunities for inclusive community economic development and offer skills development and mentoring, a social enterprises network, workforce evolution, incubation and support to social entrepreneurship.


Cleaning Services Clarence-Rockland, Prescott and Russell Michael Murr 279
Emballages Prescott-Russell Packaging Wed, 02 Jun 2021 15:12:49 +0000 Creating work and skills development for people facing employment barriers.

Courier, Moving & Packaging Services Hawkesbury, Prescott and Russell Michael Murr 426
Express-Net Wed, 02 Jun 2021 15:02:23 +0000 Creating work and skills development for people facing employment barriers.

Property Services Hawkesbury, Prescott and Russell Michael Murr 296
Les glaneurs/harvesters Wed, 02 Jun 2021 14:52:34 +0000 Creating work and skills development opportunities for people facing employment barriers through farm related services for agricultural and horticultural businesses in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec.

Food & Beverage Hawkesbury, Prescott and Russell Michael Murr 358
Menuiserie Casselman Woodshop Wed, 02 Jun 2021 14:40:47 +0000 Creating work and skills development for people facing employment barriers.

Gifts & Momentos Casselman, Prescott and Russell Michael Murr 518
Tucker House Renewal Centre Wed, 26 May 2021 15:53:39 +0000 We believe a sustainable world is possible in our lifetime and every individual has a powerful role to play.

We want to ignite the spark in each person to live their fullest and value the importance of caring for self, others and creation. We must work together for wise action, working across boundaries that used to separate us because we just want to make a sustainable world happen.

Energy & Environment Clarence-Rockland, Prescott and Russell Michael Murr 334
Recycle Action Wed, 14 Apr 2021 19:36:04 +0000 Creating work and skills development opportunities for people facing employment barriers.

Recycling & E-Waste Hawkesbury, Prescott and Russell Michael Murr 507