Gifts & Momentos – Ottawa & Eastern Ontario SE Directory Support social enterprises to build community wealth. Thu, 03 Oct 2024 15:35:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gifts & Momentos – Ottawa & Eastern Ontario SE Directory 32 32 theSpace Thu, 03 Oct 2024 15:30:52 +0000 Why theSpace?

Many neurodivergent adults find themselves to be at an impasse. As individuals graduate from support programs or secondary school and seek to transition and participate in the world of jobs, they often find themselves without many choices. Most individuals find, too, that there is a lack of options that enable continued, progressive engagement in society and in their own personal development and connection.

Our members have the opportunity for real involvement in growing social belonging through their creations and co-creations.

Not only is theSpace a gathering place, it is a platform for building lifelong community networks, which in turn harness new resources and innovation.

theSpace also supports individuals who are often not fully represented or given a voice or a platform to express personal agency within so many mainstream programs–introducing an approach which instead moves away from traditional notions of ‘a job’, and toward an embodiment of more broad forms of social citizenship and identity.

theSpace operates an online store of items designed by its members. Proceeds are shared directly with artists.

Gifts & Momentos Ottawa Len Fardella 13
Dalhousie Food Cupboard Gift Shop Thu, 30 Nov 2023 17:39:17 +0000 Locally made items with 100% of the proceeds going to support those facing food insecurity through support to the Dalhousie Food Cupboard. 

Gifts & Momentos Ottawa Michael Murr 90
Menuiserie Casselman Woodshop Wed, 02 Jun 2021 14:40:47 +0000 Creating work and skills development for people facing employment barriers.

Gifts & Momentos Casselman, Prescott and Russell Michael Murr 518
HeartWood Wood Shop Fri, 28 May 2021 15:10:45 +0000 HeartWood employs people with developmental disabilities who use their skills to make cutting boards and cheese boards using donated homemade wood products.

Gifts & Momentos Ottawa Michael Murr 367
Arc Industries – Under One Roof Wed, 14 Apr 2021 20:08:11 +0000 Employing people of diverse ability, paying industry standard wages for work that utilizes their unique skills and talents and promote dignity, respect and self-worth.

Gifts & Momentos Ottawa Michael Murr 457