Frequently Asked Questions

About the Directory

The directory is composed of Ottawa and Eastern Ontario social enterprises run by charities, nonprofits and for-profit organizations as well as diverse-owned and managed organizations, currently including Indigenous and Visible Minority businesses with embedded social impact. CSED will be expanding the list of diverse organizations included in the directory in the future.

The directory was created to showcase local social purpose and diverse organizations, connecting them with businesses and individuals that want their purchases to have strong, local social impact. The directory makes it easy to find social purpose businesses in the Ottawa and Eastern Ontario area that are creating a more vibrant, caring, inclusive and sustainable community.

When you purchase from a social enterprise or social purpose business, you're making an intentional positive contribution to our community and the people that live and work here.

As an individual consumer, you're helping to strengthen local organizations that are focused on social, environmental or cultural impact.

As a business or organization, you can competitively source goods and services while supporting the local economy and demonstrating your commitment to corporate social responsibility.

An organization that is a social enterprise:

  • a business model that intentionally creates social value (can be social, cultural or environmental)
  • sells goods and services in the marketplace, like any business
  • generates earned income to achieve its mission, and
  • reinvests its profit back into the mission so its impact grows as it grows.

An Indigenous or Diverse-Owned for profit organization:

  • must be 51% Indigenous/Diverse owned or controlled 

Listings must also be:

  • legally incorporated as a registered charity, nonprofit organization, co-operative or for profit (with a clearly defined social mission)
  • for Indigenous or Diverse-Owned organizations, it must clearly state accreditation, either via a 3rd party organization or self-declared
  • physically located in the City of Ottawa, Eastern Ontario or in Gatineau Quebec, and
  • deliver (at least some) services in the Ottawa area.

CSED reviews each organization to ensure that it meets the eligibility requirements. Verification is determined through one or more of the following:

  • incorporation status and/or incorporation documents
  • review of the corporate website, and
  • our local knowledge.

CSED reserves the right to decide, in its sole discretion whether or not an organization will be included in the directory.

Adding an Organization

It’s quite simple. Click the My Account menu item at the top of the page. You will be prompted to create an account (Register) if you don’t already have one. You will receive a confirmation email, usually a few minutes later and once you click the link, your account will be active and you can create a listing.

To have your organization listed in the directory, you now need to create a listing. To create a listing, select My Listings and then the Add Listing button. Simply enter the the requested information. You can save as a draft and return to it if you don’t have everything ready. All new listings are saved in a pending state and then reviewed by CSED. Once verified, the listing is published.

Note, until you have created a listing and it has been approved by CSED, your organization will not appear in the directory.

CSED reviews each organization to ensure it meets the eligibility requirements listed above (Who is in the Directory). CSED may reach out to you directly so ensure your contact information is correct. Verification is determined through one or more of the following:

  • Incorporation status and/or incorporation documentation (business number is important)
  • Review of corporate website and other online information
  • In the case of social enterprise organizations, a review of the business model and how it fits with the organization.

Social enterprise listings must meet the definition of a social enterprise:

  • a business model that intentionally creates social value (can be social, cultural or environmental)
  • sells goods and services in the marketplace, like any business
  • generates earned income to achieve its mission, and
  • reinvests its profit back into the mission so its impact grows as it grows.

Indigenous or Diverse-Owned listings must:

  • either self-declare or reference a 3rd party accreditation organization that they are 51% owned/controlled
  • demonstrate that they have social impact imbedded into their business model

All organizations must be:

  • legally incorporated as a registered charity, nonprofit organization, co-operative or for profit (with a clearly defined social mission),
  • physically located in the City of Ottawa, Eastern Ontario or in Gatineau Quebec, and
  • deliver (at least some) services in the Ottawa area.

CSED reserves the right to decide, in its sole discretion, whether or not an organization will be included in the directory.

Being in the directory helps to shine a spotlight on your organization, generation additional visibility and increased sales. There is currently no cost to be included.

Please contact CSED at and after verifying that you are the owner, we will arrange for you to take ownership of your listing. This allows you to update the listing, add new goods and services, contact information and other updates that are important to your business listing.